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Here at FSR, part of our mission is to bring educational experiences and knowledgeable physicians to as many patients as possible. That’s why we’re proud to be hosting a record of seven patient conferences all across the country this year. We know it’s difficult for many patients to travel to these conferences, and we wish we could come to every city across the US. Unfortunately, this is impossible. That’s why, in addition to our online webinars this year, we’re excited to be redoubling our efforts to record and share footage of our patient conferences. This way, the valuable information that is shared by our expert physicians makes it out to an audience much larger than just conference attendees. It is our hope to build an extensive archive of these conference videos so that they will always be available to new and veteran patients looking for specific information from a trustworthy source.

That being said, here is the footage from our patient conference in Hershey, PA. Here are our featured speakers and the titles of their talks:

  • Sarcoidosis Presentation & Diagnosis- Lisa Maier, National Jewish Health
  • Cutaneous Sarcoidosis- Misha Rosenbach, University of Pennsylvania
  • Parasarcoidosis Syndromes- Marc Judson, Albany Medical College
  • Treatment Options- Elliott Crouser, Ohio State University *
  • Future of Research- Daniel Culver, Cleveland Clinic 

*The Medical Center in which we hosted the conference had an alarm going off during Dr. Crouser’s presentation. After determining that we did not need to evacuate and the building was safe, we continued with the conference. We apologize if the alarm is distracting, but Dr. Crouser’s presentation is too good not to share!


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