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This August we are featuring Patients of the Month! Each Friday, we will be highlighting a new patient. Every patient is different, and FSR wants to bring patient achievements and awareness created for sarcoidosis to light.

Lona King patient of the month

This is Lona King. Lona had pulmonary and cardiac sarcoidosis, and passed away on April 15th. Though she is no longer with us, her memory continues to live on though the work of her daughter Cheyeanne. Cheyeanne says “She may have passed physically, but her energy and spirit is living on in her children and grandchildren.” The awareness that Cheyeanne is generating has become a family affair she has the help of Cody, Sheriden, Autumn, Cory, and Charlie! Her own children have become involved by creating lemonade stands to support sarcoidosis. Cheyeanne also wears purple frequently and sells sarcoidosis awareness key chains.

The work that she is doing celebrates the life and fight that her mother had and endured with sarcoidosis. This has become a lifelong commitment for Cheyeanne, and we celebrate her for the continued work she is doing to raise awareness for sarcoidosis!

If you would like to donate in memory of Lona King click here!

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